A Look of This Current Generation of Gaming

October 25, 2009

Greetings, young gaming master. Like you probably already knew, a huge wave developing online games are ready to be released in 2010.

xblaster - MMORPG GAME by mmo games

While a large amount of gamers are MMORPG players, first person shooter and RTS gamers still take a hefty part of the online world. But the majority of extreme gamers (the players forgetting work or class to play late into 4:30am everyday) are obsessed to MMORPGs; mainly World of Warcraft. Some RPG players believe that playing MMORPGs are most worthwhile, since rare items and high levels are easier to show to others than aiming and RTS management skill. Even so, there are still loads of first person shooter and strategy online game addicted gamers out there. Some that come to into mind are the hardcore Starcraft and hardcore Counter-Strike players. Both play a game that probably older than their youngest brother.

Joueuses Counter-Strike by titi-

Why it is curcial to acknowledge these trends of PC gamers, is that this new age of PC games has quite a collection designed for these old school players. SC 2 will very likely create the most noteworthy splash in the pool, having the privilege of being the follow up of the most successful computer game ever created. Even a whole nation is in anticipating of SC II, as Starcraft is basically the most popular sport of Korea, who possess the marvelously big Starcraft association, named KeSPA (Korean e-Sport Association). Diablo 3 is another new highly anticipated Blizzard game, due to being the sequel to a widely popular game, called Diablo 2. Diablo 1 was the original game of the Diablo series, and paved the way for hack and slash type games. Improving Diablo’s perfect recipe is a big goal that most imitations have failed to reproduce. Luckily, maybe unluckily for fans, role playing games have changed their time away from refining the dungeon crawling and in the direction of the much slower paced RPG design of WoW.

Starcraft 2 Zerg concept art by STARFEEDER

If I were set up a historical chart (time is a major role in this examination) of the most successful PC games ever created, you could see Blizzard has almost always been the most controlling figure of the gaming industry, to the sense of being a complete domination. During the first period of online games, Starcraft I set the bar for Strategy gaming, and pretty much all PC games in general. Then appeared Diablo II, which captivated a whole new category of gamers, making previous online RPGS look like child’s play. In the present, no PC game makes nearly the sum of revenue World of Warcraft’s 3 plus million gamers produce. New MMORPGs look at WoW as the game to beat. It is almost unavoidable that every new online RPG representative questioned is asked, “So, in what way this MMORPG outdo WoW?” Regardless, I think it is often agreed that WoW must die out in the near future, and give some opportunity for the next generation of online RPGs. On the other hand if the persistence of prior Blizzard games serve as a guide, I wouldn’t hold your breath for the fall of world of warcraft.

World of Warcraft Miniatures  by Jay Adan

Yes, despite the fact that Diablo III and Starcraft II have a lead over less recognized titles, there are still a few new titles that act as a visible threat. Hype and support by a ridiculously powerful company is not always the recipe for success, a perfect example being Age of Conan. Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to the online RPG that was formerly worshiped to be the World of Warcraft destroyer, which for a time was quite believable. Star Wars: the Old Republic is yet another anticipated MMORPG supported by a substancial number of fans, but of varying kinds. Earth Rise is another game that is seldom recognized but may become a winner. Will we see another epic clash of gaming companies? Will we observe a World of Warcraft-esque transformation in online RPG gaming? Only time will tell; but I have my wager on SC II.

Starcraft 2 Zerg concept art by STARFEEDER

Hello world!

October 24, 2009

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